Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Long Road to Recovery

Wow, the reception was amazing! It was held at the Yak and Yeti Hotel Reception hall, one of the renovated Rana Palaces built in the early 1900s . We had met an overwhelming amount of people (500) all of which were very welcoming and courteous. Our heads are still spinning after meeting so many people, we can’t wait to show all the pictures, just need to collect them from the people that were taking them. The heavy night of drinking and partying took its toll and Saturday was spent in recovery mode. Thulo Buo threw a “cozy” dinner party for us the following evening which was beautiful; it was mostly immediate family and a few friends (about 50). He had given a very touching speech and we were a bit taken aback when he said that our family (Swigers) is probably closer then there’s (Simhas).

Today I (Brian) am going to the Nepal chef association monthly meeting, have not figured out what I am going to be doing but they wanted to meet and talk with an “American Chef” (hmmm). After that we are headed out to Bhaktapur, an ancient town close to Kathmandu, for the day and then to Nagrokot to hopefully catch a glimpse of Everest, weather permitting. We expect to get some beautiful landscape photos. Hope everything is going good back home and thank you all for the support and wonderful comments. We look forward to seeing everyone in Michigan, for the Swiger family reunion. We will definitely have some stories for everyone!

And some more pictures enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take a picture of my mountain for me!!! Still missing you guys! SOOOOOO happy you are having a great time! I'm so happy you guys get to share this!

chat soon!

ciao ciao